Friday, January 22, 2016

January 25 ~ 29

What Are We Learning This Week?
Math: Mentally adding 10 or 100 to a given number 100-900, and mentally subtracting 10 or 100 from a given number 100-900. (Lessons 29-35)
Reading: Text features (title page, table of contents, index, glossary, keywords, illustrations)
Language: Dictionary skills
Writing:  Informative writing (writing a 5 paragraph essay)
Science: Weather (severe weather experts) & Dinosaurs (meat eaters vs plant eaters & living vs extinct)
Leadership: Self Control (examples of Martin Luther King, Jr)
Spelling: -ar, -r controlled vowels
Spelling Words:

*Three journal entries (Reading comprehension summaries. 3 to 5 sentences per summary. Please remind your kiddo to check/edit their work by using CUPS).
*MobyMax math & grammar (40 minutes for each subject)
*January poem 
*Spelling words 
*Daily reading (I encourage kiddos to read chapter books, if possible)  

Reading Comprehension Summaries~ When the summary is completed, please have your kiddo edit his/her work by checking for capitalization (C), making sure it makes sense/understandable (U), using proper punctuation marks (P), and using correct spelling & spacing (S). CUPS

AR ~ In-class reading is usually done during one of our ELA centers for 30 minutes once a week and any down time between activities/lessons. The policy is to read a "good fit" book at your kiddo's reading level and take the AR test as soon as possible. Once your kiddo takes the test and receives an 80% or higher he/she gets a sticker on his/her AR chart. Once 20 stamps are collected, your kiddo gets a donut breakfast with me and the process begins all over again.   

Dinosaur Museum Exhibit Assignment~    The next at- home portion of the dinosaur project is to create a model of your kiddo's dinosaur and its habitat.   The most common way  to do this is a shoe box diorama.  Please see the project rubric for the criteria in this area.  Labelling of the diorama (the name of their dinosaur and the meaning of its name) is needed to get a 3 or higher.  Also, please be sure to have your childs name clearly marked on the project.  Grading of this portion is closely related to the amount of effort put into creating it (scenery, details, labels, etc.).  This is not due until February 25th.  I am asking that kiddos not bring in their projects early if they are finished. We do not have the space or the storage for 21 projects.  Thank you for your understanding.

From February 22-25 kiddos need to practice their 2 minute dinosaur speech to present on February 26 during our dinosaur museum exhibit. Please see packet/rubric.

Upcoming Events:
January 28 ~ Extended Day, Recite January Poem & Collect January Reading Log
January 29~ 100th Day of School (Low key...working on a few fun activities) 
February 8 ~ No School
February 12 ~ Valentine Exchange
February 15 ~ No School. Presidents' Day
February 22-25 ~ Practice dinosaur 2 minute speech
February 25 ~ Dinosaur representation due
February 25 ~ Extended Day 
February 26 ~ Dinosaur Museum Exhibit
February 27 ~ ILF Gala
February 29 - March 4 ~ Spirit Week

Thank you so much for your support!

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