Sunday, April 26, 2015

April 27~ May 1

Image result for ladybug clipart freeImage result for ant clipart free

We are very excited to introduce our new class pets for the next few weeks: caterpillars, ladybugs & ants! We will have the opportunity to watch the caterpillars' metamorphosis as they change from caterpillar, to chrysalis, to butterfly, watch our ants dig tunnels & watch the ladybugs change into adults.

Theme: Insects
Sight Words: your & all
Letter Team/Family: ur (turn, curl)
Math: Simple addition & subtraction
Reading:  Looking at picture clues & looking for letter teams
Writing:  Modeled writing & extending sentences. Creating sentences with the sight words: your & all
Phonemic Awareness: Using letter teams to read and make new words
Leadership:  Service

Upcoming Events:
May 7 ~ Muffins with Mom at 9:45-11:15 in our classroom
May 18-22 ~Book Fair @ CSC 1:00-3:00PM
May 25 ~ Memorial Day (no school)
June 5 ~ Donuts with Dad (more info to come)
June 8 ~ BSC: All School Field Day (more info to come)
June 9 ~ Last Day of School & TK Celebration

Thank you, as always, for your help and support!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

April 21 ~ 24

Hoping you had a beautiful weekend with your family!

Save the Date:  We will be having a special Mother's Day Celebration on Thursday, May 7th from 10:00-11:15 AM.  I wanted to let you know well ahead of time in case you need to take the time off from work or find childcare for your other little ones.  (Please note that there will NOT be childcare at the school on this day)  I hope you can make it!

Theme: Oceans & Earth Day

Sight Words: because
Letter Team/Family: aw (saw, paw, crawl)
Math: Decomposing numbers, numbers in a 10 frame, counting on from a given number
Reading:  Looking at picture clues
Writing:  Modeled writing & starting with a capital letter & keeping letters within the given lines. Creating sentences with the sight word: because
Phonemic Awareness: Using letter teams to read and make new words
Leadership:  SERVICE.  Our definition of service is helping someone or something

Upcoming Events:
April 21 ~ Scholastic Reading Club book orders due
April 25 ~ ILCS Golf Tournamenet
May 7 ~ Muffins with Mom at 10:00-11:15 (more info to come)
May 25 ~ Memorial Day (no school)
June 5 ~ Donuts with Dad (more info to come)
June 8 ~ BSC: All School Field Day (more info to come)
June 9 ~ Last Day of School & TK Celebration

Thank you, as always, for your help and support!

Friday, April 10, 2015

April 13 ~ 17

Cute Farm Animals - BUY 2 GET 1 FREE - Digital Clip Art - Personal and Commercial Use - barnyard animals cow barn rooster horse pig. $4.75, via Etsy.

Illnesses:  We have had a lot of kiddos ill over the last week. Please remind your kiddo to wash their hands several times throughout the day, & to cough in their elbows. Our classroom has had two deep cleanings over the last couple of days (cleaning all crayons, pencils, scissors, tables, chairs, carpet/rug, door handles etc).  We will watch two videos about proper hand washing and sneezing on Monday & Tuesday. We will also continue to sanitize hands before 1st/snack recess.  If your kiddo is not feeling well please keep them home. Thank you much! :)

*** If you are out & about & thinking of us we could you use: hand sanitizer.

What We Are Learning This Week:
Theme: Farm
Sight Wordsas & has
Letter Team/Family: ay (say, pay, way)
Math: Decomposing numbers, numbers in a 10 frame, counting on from a given number
Reading:  Getting our mouths ready for the first sound & go back and get a running start
Writing:  Modeled writing & starting with a capital letter & keeping letters within the given lines
Phonemic Awareness: Using letter teams to read and make new words & Magic "e"
Leadership:  SERVICE.  Our definition of service is doing anything to help someone or something.  

Upcoming Events:
April 14 ~ ILCS Talent Show Try-Outs at 1:30 room 21 @ CSC
April 20 ~ No school
April 21 ~ Scholastic Reading Club book orders due
April 25 ~ ILCS Golf Tournamenet
May 7 ~ Muffins with Mom at 10:00-11:15 (more info to come)
May 25 ~ Memorial Day (no school)
June 5 ~ Donuts with Dad (more info to come)
June 8 ~ BSC: All School Field Day (more info to come)
June 9 ~ Last Day of School

Friday, April 3, 2015

April 6~ 10

Cute Farm Animals - BUY 2 GET 1 FREE - Digital Clip Art - Personal and Commercial Use - barnyard animals cow barn rooster horse pig. $4.75, via Etsy.

We had so much fun during our Easter egg hunt & Easter/Spring celebration. A huge thank you to all who donated special treats & yummy food.  Thank you also to Brock's mommy, Emery's daddy, Calvin's mommy, Elizabeth's mommy, Zion's mommy, Trent's mommy, Everleigh's mommy & Sienna's mommy for helping out with centers & the Easter egg hunt.  We could not have done it without you!  Thank you, thank you!! 

Save the Date:  We will be having a special Mother's Day Celebration in our classroom on THURSDAY, MAY 7TH from 10:00 - 11:15 AM.  We wanted to let you know ahead of time in case you need to take time off from work or find childcare for your other little ones. (Please note...there will not be childcare at school on this day).  This is a special celebration and we hope all of you mommies are able to make it.  

Electives: TK electives are Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays Please be sure to send your kiddo to school with a small lunch if they are taking an elective class.  

Raz-Kids Reading Option:
I am happy to inform you that our TK class has access to hundreds of eBooks using the school's subscription to Raz-Kids, Students can read, listen to, and even self-record reading these books. Reading-comprehension quizzes along the way show the progress that your kiddo is making. You can access assignments on a computer, tablet, or phone, by going to, and using the information below: Raz-Kids books are also available on Android and iOS devices. Go to for details.

If you’re interested, please visit  
Teacher Username- dpayne23

Happy Reading!

Scholastic Book Orders~ This month's Scholastic Reading Club flyers are ready to explore with your kiddo.  Ordering online is the easiest way to ensure I get your order on time.  Deadline to order: April 21
                                    What We Are Learning This Week:
Theme: Farm
Sight Words: some
Letter Team/Family: ew (new, drew, blew) review ow & ing
Math: Decomposing numbers, numbers in a 10 frame, counting on from a given number
Reading:  Getting our mouths ready for the first sound & go back and get a running start
Writing:  Modeled writing & starting with a capital letter
Phonemic Awareness: Using letter teams to read and make new words & Magic "e"
Leadership:  SERVICE.  Our definition of service is doing anything to help someone or something.  

Upcoming Events:
April 10 ~ Father/Daughter Dance @ Wildwood Calvery Chapel
April 20 ~ No school
April 21 ~ Scholastic Reading Club book orders due

April 25 ~ ILCS Golf Tournamenet
May 7 ~ Muffins with Mom at 10:00-11:15 (more info to come)
May 25 ~ Memorial Day (no school)
June 5 ~ Donuts with Dad (more info to come)
June 8 ~ BSC: All School Field Day (more info to come)
June 9 ~ Last Day of School

Thank you, as always, for your support!