Friday, February 20, 2015

February 23-27

Image result for free penguins clipart
***If you are out & about and happen to think of us, our classroom would love: $5.00 headphones (3) from Big Lots or someplace similar.

**** 2nd Trimester Parent/Teacher Conferences. For many of the kiddos, there will not be a lot of new information concerning progress at this point. You will not be required to meet with me unless you request a meeting.  I will though meet with parents of those kiddos' whom I feel is not on track or there are some concerns.  Just like 1st Trimester, you will be receiving a report card.  

****The last day to sign your kiddo up for the Kindergarten Lottery will be Saturday, February 28th.  If you would like your kiddo to attend ILCS next year, please plan on signing up as soon as possible.  All TK students MUST sign up.  Enrollment is not guaranteed and all students must go through the lottery process.  If you have any questions, please contact the school office at 446-1100.  

Flashcards: Don't forget to make new flashcards for each sight word (you, are, and, it, from, for, friend, do, in, to, said, was, have, they, love, with, went, on, of). PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRACTICE ALL OF YOUR OLD FLASHCARDS (& numbers 1-20 & the alphabet). KIDDOS WILL TO BE ASSESSED OVER THE NEXT 2 WEEKS.

What We Are Learning This Week:
Letter: Xx & Yy
Sight Word: review all sight words (see the above list of words)
Letter Team/Family: review all letter team/families: wh, oo, er, sh, ch, ee, th, -am, -it, -am, -it, -an
Math: concepts of time, clock parts, time to the hour, measurement &  3D geometric shapes
Reading:  Review ~ looking at the picture/picture walk, looking through the whole word, CVC words, vowels, Magic "e", ending punctuation, staying on the lines, spacing, & finger match
Writing:  Modeled writing & assessment writing
Leadership: CREATIVITY. We are learning that creativity means using our imaginations to create, invent, and problem solve. 
Upcoming Events:
February 23- March 6 ~ Assessments
February 25 ~ Spring Pictures
February 26 ~ Little Smiles Dental in class presentation
February 27 ~ Trimester 2 ends & Leadership assembly @ 8:10
February 28 ~ ILCS Gala & last day to sign up for Kindergarten Lottery
March 2 ~ Trimester 3 begins & sign-up for electives
March 2-6 ~Read Across America Week & Dr. Seuss Celebration (more info coming soon)
March 9-12 ~ 2nd Trimester Parent Conferences (You will be notified Friday, Feb. 27 if you will need to attend a scheduled conference)
March 13 ~ St. Patrick's Celebration ~ Wear Green
March 16-27 ~ Spring Break!! YIPPEE

Thank you, as always, for your help & support.

Monday, February 16, 2015

February 17-20

I hope you enjoyed a relaxing three-day weekend with your family. Only four more weeks until Spring Break!  We can do it!

We had a wonderful Valentine's Day Celebration! Thank you so much for all of the help, donations, and Valentine goodies! I greatly appreciate it.

Flashcards: Don't forget to make new flashcards for each sight word. PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRACTICE ALL OF YOUR OLD FLASHCARDS (& numbers 1-20 & the alphabet). KIDDOS WILL BE ASSESSED OVER THE NEXT 2 WEEKS.

***If you are out & about and happen to think of us, our classroom would love: 

What We Are Learning This Week:
ThemeGeorge Washington & Abe Lincoln 
Letter: Ww & Xx
Sight Word: went, of, on
Letter Team/Family: -wh
Math:   sequencing, concepts of time, patterning, measurement &  3D geometric shapes
Reading:  Looking at the picture, looking through the whole word, CVC words, vowels & Magic "e"
Writing:  Modeled writing..."I went on the..", "On top of..." assessment writing assignment, ending punctuation, staying on the lines & spacing
Leadership:Our leadership trait this month is CREATIVITY. We are learning that creativity means using our imaginations to create, invent, and problem solve. 
Upcoming Events:
February 25 ~ Spring Pictures
February 27 ~ Trimester 2 ends
February 28 ~ ILCS Gala
March 2 ~ Trimester 3 begins & sign-up for electives
March 2-6 ~Read Across America Week & Dr. Seuss Celebration (more info coming soon)
March 2-12 ~ 2nd Trimester Parent Conferences (see classroom door for sign-up sheet)
March 13 ~ St. Patrick's Celebration ~ Wear Green
March 16-27 ~ Spring Break!! YIPPEE

Thank you, as always, for your help & support.

Monday, February 9, 2015

February 9 ~ 13

I hope you enjoyed a relaxing three-day weekend with your family. We have another three-day weekend coming up next week, as there is no school on Monday, February 16th. 

We will be celebrating Valentine's Day together on Friday. Thank you so much for wrapping the boxes.  They look so nice.   We can't wait to decorate them in class.

Flashcards: Don't forget to make new flashcards for each sight word. PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRACTICE ALL OF YOUR OLD FLASHCARDS (& numbers 1-20 & the alphabet). ASSESSMENTS ARE COMING UP! 

***If you are out & about and happen to think of us, our classroom would love: Valentine's Day Stickers

What We Are Learning This Week:
Theme:Valentine's Day 
Letter: Vv
Sight Word: with & love
Letter Team/Family: -oo
Math:   sequencing, concepts of time, measurement &  3D geometric shapes
Reading:  Looking at the picture, looking through the whole word, CVC words, vowels & Magic "e"
Writing:  Modeled writing....I love...., You love....,  Hearts with......assessment writing assignment, ending punctuation, staying on the lines & spacing

Upcoming Events:
February 13 ~ Valentine's Day Centers
February 16 ~ No school
February 25 ~ Spring Pictures
February 27 ~ Trimester 2 ends
February 28 ~ ILCS Gala
March 2 ~ Trimester 3 begins & sign-up for electives
March 2-6 ~Read Across America Week & Dr. Seuss Celebration (more info coming soon)
March 2-12 ~ 2nd Trimester Parent Conferences (sign-ups coming next week)
March 13 ~ St. Patrick's Celebration ~ Wear Green
March 16-27 ~ Spring Break!! YIPPEE

Thank you, as always, for your help & support.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

February 2~6

We had so much fun celebrating our 100th Day of School! Thank you to those who helped in the classroom and everyone for making such adorable creations for your kiddos to wear. I can't believe we are more than half way through our school year together! I am so proud of your children for working so hard and for everything they have learned so far.

A huge thank you to Emery's mom, Kristen, for donating boxes for our Valentine's Day activity.

Another huge thank you to Trent's mom, Ashley, for cutting out paper hearts for our Valentine's Day activity.

What We Are Learning This Week:

Theme:Groundhog Day & Polar Bears
Letter: Uu
Sight Word: have, they
Letter Team/Family: -er
Math:  before & after, sequencing, patterns, measurement &  3D geometric shapes
Reading:  Beginning/ending sounds, rhyming, syllables, vowels & positional words
Writing:  Modeled writing, assessment writing assignment, Neat Nancy writing, upper case letter for 1st letter, lower case for the rest of the word, 2 finger spacing between words, return sweep & staying in the lines

***If you are out & about and happen to think of us, our classroom would love: Valentine's Day Stickers

**Congratulations to our new member of the 10's Club....Aaron!!!!  Way to go friend!  We have a handful of kiddos who are very close to joining our special club.  To be a member, kiddos must write #1-10 correctly without errors, three different times throughout the day. We're looking forward to having more kiddos join this special club.

Enrollment form for the lottery for the 2015-2016 school year is available now. Click here to sign up. 

Upcoming Events:
February 9 ~ No school
February 13 ~ Valentine's Day Centers
February 16 ~ No school
February 25 ~ Spring Pictures
February 27 ~ Trimester 2 ends
February 28 ~ ILCS Gala
March 2 ~ Trimester 3 begins & sign-up for electives
March 2-6 ~Read Across America Week & Dr. Seuss Celebration (more info coming soon)
March 2-12 ~ 2nd Trimester Parent Conferences (sign-ups coming soon)
March 13 ~ St. Patrick's Celebration ~ Wear Green
March 16-27 ~ Spring Break!! YIPPEE

Thank you, as always, for your help & support.