What We Are Learning This Week:
Theme: Turkeys
Letter: Ll
Sight Word: you & are
Math: Continue patterning (specifically AB & AABB patterns), sorting, classifying, & number writing
Reading: Locating and framing sight words, getting our mouths ready for the first sound in words & recognizing rhyming words. Discussing characters & setting.
Writing: Using sight words that we know to create a complete sentence. Spacing between words, return sweep, period at the end of the sentence & use of an uppercase letter at the beginning of the sentence.
Leadership: Gratefulness. Our leadership trait for November & December will be gratefulness. We will discuss that gratefulness is a feeling of thankful appreciation for favors/benefits received.
****Aggressive Behavior**** We have had a few incidents during our recess time of kiddos showing aggressive behavior (scratching & pushing) towards one another. The consequences are a loss of recess, behavior clip moved down to red & if its extremely bad or the kiddo has already been warned and the above consequences applied, then the kiddo will be sent to the office to talk to other Dr. Loomis or Dr. Urrea. We have had several class discussions on what good/bad behavior is however please talk with your kiddo about appropriate recess behavior. Thank you for your support!
****Parent Conferences are the next two weeks. I am looking forward to meeting with you for about 15 minutes to discuss your kiddo's growth in the classroom. Because I need to be at the other campus by 1:30, I kindly ask that you arrive on time so we can make the most of our time together. Thank you!
Boxtop Labels ~ Thank you parents for bringing in those Boxtops labels! Our class won the contest & will be getting a special popcorn party next week. Way to go!
School Spirit ~ Thank you for dressing your kiddos in school colors on Friday. Our class won back the school mascot, Leo the Lion. The kiddos couldn't be more happier. They just adore him!
Upcoming Events:
Nov. 10~ Patriots Day (kiddos wear red, white & blue) & 2nd trimester begins
Nov. 12 ~ Last day for ILCS Food Drive
Nov. 10- 21 ~ Parent/Teacher Conferences
Nov. 11 ~ No school :)
Nov. 17 or 18 ~ Class popcorn party!
Nov. 17-21 ~ Book Fair at CSC (California Street Campus)
Nov. 21 ~ Thanksgiving Feast (more info to come) & 1st Trimester Award Assembly @8:15
Nov. 24-28~ Thanksgiving Break!
Dec. 18 ~ Last day to purchase yearbooks. Cost is $35 & can be bought in the school offices.
Thanksgiving Baskets: If you are in need of or know a family in need who could use a Thanksgiving basket, please contact the BSC or CSC office. Also, each grade level is collecting food for the community. The following items are being collected by grade:
TK and K: Canned veggies and evaporated milk
1st: Canned pumpkin
2nd: Instant potato
3rd: Stuffing
4th: Gravy
5th: Cranberry sauce
6th: Yams
7th and 8th: Turkey pan and canned fruit.
Thank you, as always, for your help & support.
Have a wonderful week! :)