Friday, November 20, 2015

November 30- December 4

Thank you so much for taking the time to meet with us for conferences. It was so awesome to meet everyone. We are very lucky to have such amazing families!

A huge thank you also to all the parents who provided goodies and helped at our "Stone Soup" feast. The kiddos had a blast!

Christmas Performance ~ Our annual Christmas performance is Monday, December 14 in the evening. We are sending home the lyrics on green paper Monday. We will be singing the Hawaiian song "Mele Kalikimaka" by Bing Crosby. Please have your kiddo practice often. More information forthcoming. 

Three journal entries (new December packets will be sent out Monday)
MobyMax math & grammar ( 60 minutes & 40 minutes)
December poem 
Spelling words 
Daily reading  

Pizza Hut Book It Reading Challenge~ New "December Book It" reading logs will be sent home Monday. 

**If you think of us while you are out and about we are in desperate need of glue sticks and pre-sharpened pencils.**

What Are We Learning This Week?
Math: Double digit addition and subtraction with & without regrouping
Spelling: (long o, -oa, -ow words) 
Reading:  Main Topic
Language: Capitalization 
Writing:  Informative~ "All- About Me" booklets & Friendly Letters 
Leadership: Self Control

Upcoming Events:
December 14~ Grandparents' Day & Christmas Performance
December 17~ Extended Day
December 21- January 4~ Winter Break

Thank you, as always, for your help and support!

Saturday, November 14, 2015

November 16~20


A huge thank you to all who have donated items for the Thanksgiving food drive and our "Stone Soup" activity.  I so greatly appreciate your thoughtfulness and generosity.

Conferences~  I look forward to meeting with you on your conference day. Because I have several back to back conferences, I kindly ask for you to please be on time.  

November Poems ~ We will recite the November poems to the class this Friday, November 20.

Homework~  Three journal entries & MobyMax math & grammar minutes due Friday. Please study "November" poems & spelling words & continue to read.  

**We had quite a few kiddos who had to spend some of their Friday recess in the classroom because they did not complete their homework.  Please make sure your kiddo completes his/her homework assignments.  Thank you for your support!**

Pizza Hut Book It Reading Challenge~ Please sign the bottom of the Book It reading log and return it to school this Friday, November 20.

Stone Soup Activity~ Instead of having a Thanksgiving feast, we will be making stone soup and comparing and contrasting several versions of the book "Stone Soup". Towards the end of the day we will enjoy our creation. 

What Are We Learning This Week?
Math: Double digit addition and subtraction with & without regrouping
Science: Turkey Close Reads
Spelling: (-ee,-ea words) free, teach, teeth, please, beach, wheel, team, speak, sneeze, sheep, meaning, weave, eat, read, between, & reason.
Reading:  Questions & Magic Tree House Project
Language: Capitalization 
Writing:  Informative~ "All- About" a subject  
Leadership: Grit

Upcoming Events:
November 16 ~ No school
November 16-18 ~ Parent Teacher Conferences
November 19~ "Stone Soup" Activity
November 20~ Leadership Assembly @ 8:15, Book It reading log due, recite November poem& popcorn party.
November 23-27 ~ Thanksgiving Break

Thank you, as always, for your help and support!

Friday, November 6, 2015

November 9~13

Hope you have a beautiful week!

Conferences~  Next week, I look forward to meeting with you on your conference day. Because I have several back to back conferences, I kindly ask for you to please be on time.  

November Poems ~ We will recite the November poems to the class on Friday, November 20.

Homework~  Three journal entries due Friday. It was nice to have a short break from MobyMax however its time to get back to it.  

Pizza Hut Book It Reading Challenge~ Our goal is to read a minimum of 20 minutes each night (Monday- Friday) for a total of 100 minutes per week. Please sign the bottom of the Book It reading log and return it to school on Friday, November 20.

What Are We Learning This Week?
Math: Equals & whole parts, identify, label and compare fractions; modeling different strategies for partitioning into halves, thirds, & fourths.
Science: Turkey Close Reads
Spelling: (-ai,-ay words) pay, wait, paint, train, pail, day, tray, plain, stain, hay, gray, away, stay, day, raisin, birthday
Reading:  Questions & Magic Tree House Project
Language: Sentences 
Writing:  Informative~ How To....
Leadership: Grit

Upcoming Events:
October 26 ~ 11/12 Food Drive
November 11~ No school/Veteran's Day
November 16 ~ No school
November 16-19 ~ Parent Teacher Conferences
November 20~ Leadership Assembly @ 8:10, Book It reading log due & recite November poem. 
November 23-27 ~ Thanksgiving Break

Thank you, as always, for your help and support!

Sunday, November 1, 2015

November 2 ~6


I'm hoping you had a beautiful weekend!

Kiddos did a fantastic job at the San Bernardino County Museum on Friday.  We learned so much about natural habitats and historical activities in our region. If you have a chance, review with your kiddo the yellow treasure hunt brochure that we filled out during our visit.

A huge thank you to Carrie Macias, Megan Wolfe, Kayleigh Becker and Tracy Stevens for chaperoning our field.  We greatly appreciate you! 

Displaying IMG_8548.JPG

Monday PJ Day~ Wear comfy PJs and bring a stuffed animal. Please wear shoes.

October Poems~ Kiddos will recite their October poems on Monday during ELA time.

Conferences~ Please view the sign up list on ParentSquare and find a convenient time for us to meet. Thank you to those who have already signed up for conferences.  I look forward to meeting with you. {Please sign up with Mrs. Tiss on her Parent Square sign up list}.

Homework~ Work on the new November journal assignments. The new assignment packet will be passed out Monday. Journals due Friday. 
****No MobyMax math or grammar this week.**** :)

Pizza Hut Book It Reading Challenge~ We are beginning our November Pizza Hut Book It reading challenge. Our goal is to read a minimum of 20 minutes each night (Monday- Friday) for a total of 100 minutes per week. Kiddos who make their goal will receive a certificate for a free personal pizza. Please sign the bottom of the Book It reading log and return it to school on Friday, November 20........Let's get reading. :)

RAZ Kids ~  Please feel free to log on at home at....  
Log on and choose your kiddo's teacher. Have fun.

Typing WebPlease feel free to log on at home to continue practicing this important skill at ...
username:your kiddo's name and ilcs....for example..... dianailcs

***Some of the kiddos need to use their last initial as well. They know who they are.***

What Are We Learning This Week?
Math: Geometry~ Partitioning & arrays. Exploring equal parts, learn about halves and fourth, and partitioning a rectangle into rows and columns of same-size squares to find the total number. 
Science: Bug Inquiry
Spelling: No spelling this week
Reading:  Visualization & Magic Tree House Project
Language: Adverbs and adjectives
Writing:  Narrative
Leadership: Grit

Upcoming Events:
October 26 ~ 11/12 Food Drive
October 26 ~ 11/3 Assessments
November 2 ~ Recite October Poem & October Book It reading log due.
November 2 ~ Pajama Day. Wear comfy PJs and bring a stuffed animal. Please wear shoes.
November 20~ Leadership Assembly @ 8:10 & Book It reading log due.
November 11~ No school/Veteran's Day
November 16 ~ No school/Parent Teacher Conferences
November 16-19 ~ Parent Teacher Conferences 
November 23-27 ~ Thanksgiving Break

Thank you, as always, for your help and support!