Thursday, March 26, 2015

March 31 ~ April 3

Image result for free spring clipart images

Welcome back! I'm hoping you and your family had a beautiful and relaxing break!

This Friday we will be having Easter center activities followed by a yummy party.  If you sign up to bring an item for the party, please be sure to bring it to school on Thursday, if possible.  

Save the Date:  We will be having a special Mother's Day Celebration in our classroom on THURSDAY, MAY 7TH from 10:00 - 11:15 AM.  We wanted to let you know ahead of time in case you need to take time off from work or find childcare for your other little ones. (Please note...there will not be childcare at school on this day).  This is a special celebration and we hope all of you mommies are able to make it.  

Electives: TK electives will begin  on Tuesday, Mar. 31st and end on May 29th.  Please be sure to send your kiddo to school with a small lunch if they are taking an elective class.  

Raz-Kids Reading Option:
 I am happy to inform you that our TK class has access to hundreds of eBooks using the school's subscription to Raz-Kids, Students can read, listen to, and even self-record reading these books. Reading-comprehension quizzes along the way show the progress that your kiddo is making. You can access assignments on a computer, tablet, or phone, by going to, and using the information below: Raz-Kids books are also available on Android and iOS devices. Go to for details.

If you’re interested, please visit  Login info: Teacher Username- dpayne23

Happy Reading!

***If you are out & about and happen to think of us, our classroom would love:  hand sanitizer.

                                    What We Are Learning This Week:
Theme: Spring/Easter
Sight Words: big & little
Letter Team/Family: ew (new, drew, blew) review ar & ing 
Math: Numbers in a 10 frame & counting on from a given number
Reading:  Getting our mouths ready for the first sound
Writing:  Modeled writing & starting with a capital letter
Phonemic Awareness: Using letter teams to read and make new words
Leadership:  SERVICE.  Our definition of service is doing anything to help someone or something.  

Upcoming Events:
April 3 ~ Easter/Spring centers & party 9:45-11:45
April 3 ~ ILCS Lottery at 4:00
April 10 ~ Father/Daughter Dance @ Wildwood Calvery Chapel
April 20 ~ No school

April 25 ~ ILCS Golf Tournamenet
May 7 ~ Muffins with Mom at 10:00-11:15 (more info to come)
May 25 ~ Memorial Day (no school)
June 5 ~ Donuts with Dad (more info to come)
June 8 ~ BSC: All School Field Day (more info to come)
June 9 ~ Last Day of School

Thank you, as always, for your support!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

March 9~ 13

We had so much fun dressing up and celebrating Dr. Seuss's birthday. Thank you for all of the time and effort you put into each day. Thank you also to all of our guest readers....Trent's mom, Tripp's mom, Everleigh's mom & Zion's mom! You did an awesome job!  

Thank you to Emery & parents for the beautiful St. Patrick's Day flowers. They are gorgeous & make the classroom so nice and cheery. Thank you also to River & parents for donating the headphones.  The kiddos & I so greatly appreciate it!

Report Cards are being sent home on Friday! Please make sure you check your child's folder for his or her report card!

We have NO SCHOOL for the next two weeks due to Spring Break. 

***If you are out & about and happen to think of us, our classroom would love:  hand sanitizer.

What We Are Learning This Week:
ThemeSt. Patrick's Day
Letter: Review all letters
Sight Word: come
Letter Team/Family: ar & ing
Math:  St. Patrick's Day centers & review of Dr. Seuss activities
Reading:  Review ~ looking at the picture/picture walk, looking through the whole word, CVC words, vowels, Magic "e", ending punctuation, staying on the lines, spacing, & finger match
Writing:  Modeled writing
Leadership: Our leadership trait this month is SERVICE.  Our definition of service is doing anything to help someone or something.  
Upcoming Events:
March 13 ~ Wear Green & 2nd Trimester Award Assembly at 8:15
March 16-27 ~ Spring Break!! YIPPEE
March 31 ~ School resumes (No school on Monday, March 30) & Electives begin

Sunday, March 1, 2015

March 2 ~ 6

HAPPY DR. SEUSS WEEK!! This week, we are celebrating Read Across America Week and Dr. Seuss' birthday! It's going to be a fun-filled week with a silly something to wear each day! 

Silly Sock Day {come to school in your silliest socks!}
Stripes and/or Polka-dots Day 
Wacky Hat Wednesday {I can't wait to see all of those wacky hats!}
Rhyme Time Day {dress in rhyme - some examples are: a green queen, a fish with a dish, a cook with a book, etc. Have fun!}
Relax and Read Day {come to school in your PJ's!}

As part of our Read Across America celebration, we are welcoming guest readers into our classroom Wednesday through Friday at 11:25!  If you would like to read your favorite Dr. Seuss book please drop by the classroom door to sign up. 

***If you are out & about and happen to think of us, our classroom would love: $5.00 headphones (2) from Big Lots or someplace similar & hand sanitizer.

**** 2nd Trimester Parent/Teacher Conferences. Conferences will not be required for kiddos that are on target to meet all of the TK standards in preparation for Kindergarten. I have requested parent conferences for those kiddos that have opportunities for growth.  If you have not received a notice from me regarding parent conferences your kiddo is on target. Like 1st trimester, you will  be receiving report cards.  

What We Are Learning This Week:
ThemeDr. Seuss
Letter: Review all letters
Sight Word: go
Letter Team/Family: ar
Math: composing & decomposing numbers, time to the hour, Dr. Seuss activities
Reading:  Review ~ looking at the picture/picture walk, looking through the whole word, CVC words, vowels, Magic "e", ending punctuation, staying on the lines, spacing, & finger match
Writing:  Modeled writing & assessment writing
Leadership: Our leadership trait this month is SERVICE.  Our definition of service is doing anything to help someone or something.  
Upcoming Events:
February 23- March 6 ~ Assessments
March 2 ~ Trimester 3 begins & sign-up for electives
March 2-6 ~Read Across America Week & Dr. Seuss Celebration 
March 9-12 ~ 2nd Trimester Parent Conferences (have been  notified already if you will need to attend a scheduled conference)
March 13 ~ St. Patrick's Celebration ~ Wear Green
March 16-27 ~ Spring Break!! YIPPEE
March 31 ~ School resumes (No school on Monday, March 30)

Thank you, as always, for your help & support.