Sunday, January 25, 2015

January 26-30

What We Are Learning This Week:

Theme:100th Day of School
Letter: Tt
Sight Word: was 
Letter Team/Family: -sh
Math:  before & after, sequencing, patterns, measurement &  positional parts of a calendar
Reading:  Beginning/ending sounds, rhyming,  syllables, vowels & positional words
Writing:  Modeled writing..."You are my friend", Neat Nancy writing, upper case letter for 1st letter, lower case for the rest of the word, 2 finger spacing between words, return sweep & staying in the lines
Leadership: Honor

***If you are out & about and happen to think of us, our classroom would love:  Treasure Box Prizes  

***To help us celebrate the 100th day of school, we would like for all kiddos to wear something that has 100 things on it.  Some examples may include a hat, a visor, a t-shirt, a vest, socks, etc.  You can paint 100 items on, pin them on, glue them on, or sew them on.  There are no limits with how creative you can be on this activity.  The only guideline is that it must be something the kiddos can wear to school on Friday, January 30. ***

*** One of the fun 100th day of school activities is to count 100 items and glue them to a chart.  With your kiddo, please count out 100 items at home and place them in a plastic bag with your kiddo's name on it and send it to school by Thursday, January 29.  We will be using the contents at school.  Some examples of items may be: beans, popcorn kernels, small buttons, small pebbles, rice, lentils, noodles, stickers, pretzels, etc.

**Congratulations to our new members of the 100's Club....Everleigh, Abi & Trent!!!!  Way to go friends!  We have a few more kiddos very close to joining our special club.  To be a member, kiddos must write #1-10 correctly without errors, three different times throughout the day. We're looking forward to having more kiddos join this special club.

Enrollment form for the lottery for the 2015-2016 school year is available now. Click here to sign up. 

Upcoming Events:
January 29 ~ 100 items due 
January 30 ~ Awards Assembly & 100th Day Celebration!
February 9 ~ No school
February 13 ~ Valentine's Day Centers
February 16 ~ No school
February 25 ~ Spring PicturesFebruary 27 ~ Trimester 2 ends
February 28 ~ ILCS Gala
March 2 ~ Trimester 3 begins & sign-up for electives

Thank you, as always, for your help & support.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

January 19- 23

Image result for martin luther king jr clip art images

What We Are Learning This Week:

Theme:Martin Luther King Jr.
Letter: Ss
Sight Word: said 
Letter Team/Family: -ch, -ee,
Math:  Heavy/light, big/small, short/tall, sequencing, patterns, measurement &  positional parts of a calendar
Reading:  Beginning/ending sounds, rhyming,  syllables, vowels & positional words.
Writing:  Modeled writing, Neat Nancy writing, upper case letter for 1st letter, lower case for the rest of the word, 2 finger spacing between words, return sweep & staying in the lines
Leadership: Honor~ is when you do something for the sheer good it will result in, like honoring your promises, your beliefs, your commitments.  When you do something honorable it results in a benefit to others and a genuine good feeling in yourself.

***If you are out & about and happen to think of us, our classroom would love Treasure Box Prizes ***

***Our Scholastic Book Order is due Friday, January 23rd. Get those orders in if you would like to order winter books or books for Valentine's Day.***
***To help us celebrate the 100th day of school, we would like for all kiddos to wear something that has 100 things on it.  Some examples may include a hat, a visor, a t-shirt, a vest, socks, etc.  You can paint 100 items on, pin them on, glue them on, or sew them on.  There are no limits with how creative you can be on this activity.  The only guideline is that it must be something the kiddos can wear to school on Friday, January 30. ***

*** One of the fun 100th day of school activities is to count 100 items and glue them to a chart.  With your kiddo, please count out 100 items at home and place them in a plastic bag with your kiddo's name on it and send it to school by Thursday, January 29.  We will be using the contents at school.  Some examples of items may be: beans, popcorn kernels, small buttons, small pebbles, rice, lentils, noodles, stickers, pretzels, etc.

Upcoming Events:
January 23 ~ Scholastic book order due
January 29 ~ 100 items due 
January 30 ~ Awards Assembly & 100th Day Celebration!
February 9 ~ No school
February 13 ~ Valentine's Day Centers
February 16 ~ No school
February 27 ~ Trimester 2 ends
February 28 ~ ILCS Gala
March 2 ~ Trimester 3 begins & sign-up for electives

Thank you, as always, for your help & support.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

January 12~ 16

*SNOWMAN ~ Christmas art, snowman art by renowned painter Janet Stever.

What We Are Learning This Week:

Theme: Snow
Letter: Rr
Sight Word: t
Letter Team/Family: -am, -it
Math:  More/less, heavy/light, big/small, short/tall, sequencing, patterns, and measurement
Reading:  Beginning/ending sounds, rhyming,  syllables & vowels
Writing:  Modeled writing, Neat Nancy writing, upper case letter for 1st letter, lower case for the rest of the word & 2 finger spacing between words
Leadership: Honor~ is when you do something for the sheer good it will result in, like honoring your promises, your beliefs, your commitments.  When you do something honorable it results in a benefit to others and a genuine good feeling in yourself.

Think Teal!  In honor of  many families who have been affected by ovarian cancer we would like to invite you to wear teal on Tuesdays. Teal stands for "Take Early Action & Live" and "Tell Every Amazing Lady".

***If you are out & about and happen to think of us, our classroom would love:  Treasure Box Prizes ***

***Our Scholastic Book Order is due Friday, January 23rd. Get those orders in if you would like to order winter books or books for Valentine's Day.***

***We are in need of LOTS AND LOTS of empty Capri Sun boxes!!!! If you have any please send them to school with your child! Thank you very much!!! Note: if you could please open the boxes at the side (not in the middle around the edges) that would really help us out! Thank you!

Upcoming Events:
January 19~ Martin Luther King Day.  No school :)
January 30 ~ BSC Awards Assembly & 100th Day Celebration!
February 9 ~ No school
February 13 ~ Valentine's Day Centers
February 16 ~ No school
February 23 ~ Scholastic Book Order Due
February 27 ~ Trimester 2 ends
February 28 ~ ILCS Gala
March 2 ~ Trimester 3 begins & sign-up for electives

Thank you, as always, for your help & support.

Monday, January 5, 2015

January 6~9

Happy New Year images

What We Are Learning This Week:
Theme: Winter
Letter: Qq
Sight Word:  do & in
Letter Team: th
Math:  More/less, heavy/light, big/small, short/tall, sequencing, patterns, and measurement
Reading:  Beginning/ending sounds, rhyming,  syllables & vowels
Writing:  Modeled writing, Neat Nancy writing, upper case letter for 1st letter, lower case for the rest of the word & 2 finger spacing between words
Leadership: Honor~ is when you do something for the sheer good it will result in, like honoring your promises, your beliefs, your commitments.  When you do something honorable it results in a benefit to others and a genuine good feeling in yourself.

Think Teal!  In honor of  many families who have been affected by ovarian cancer we would like to invite you to wear teal on Tuesdays. Teal stands for "Take Early Action & Live" and "Tell Every Amazing Lady".

***If you are out & about and happen to think of us, our classroom would love:  Treasure Box Prizes ***

***We are in need of LOTS AND LOTS of empty Capri Sun boxes!!!! If you have any please send them to school with your child! Thank you very much!!! Note: if you could please open the boxes at the side (not in the middle around the edges) that would really help us out! Thank you!

Electives will continue this week.

Upcoming Events:
January 19~ Martin Luther King Day.  No school :)
January 30 ~ BSC Awards Assembly
February 9 ~ No school
February 13 ~ Valentine's Day Centers
February 16 ~ No school
February 27 ~ Trimester 2 ends
February 28 ~ ILCS Gala
March 2 ~ Trimester 3 begins & sign-up for electives

Thank you, as always, for your help & support.