Sunday, August 24, 2014

Our 1st Full Week of School

The kiddos did a fantastic job during our 1st full week of school!  They are getting better with sitting "criss cross apple sauce" on the carpet, raising their hand before talking, cleaning up after themselves & doing their best work.  If possible, please review these procedures with your kiddos at home.  

Thank you for all of you who  have signed up to volunteer in the classroom.  We will begin with volunteers most likely next week. If you haven't already, please remember to sign the Megan's Law form in the front office in order to help in the classroom. **Please check out the volunteer sheet schedule next to the purple "Folders" container on the lunch table all next week.  We would love to add more names to the schedule.

We will begin homework a tad earlier then anticipated.  The kiddos will be bringing home homework packets Monday afternoon.  Please return the homework on Friday.  If you have any questions/concerns about the homework packet please visit me anytime.

Upcoming Events:
Sept. 1 - Labor Day Holiday - No School.....yippee!

Sept. 5 - School Pictures

What we will be learning this week:
Theme:  Colors and Shapes
Letter: Aa
Sight word: can
Reading Strategy: Make your finger match the words.  
Math: One-to-one matching, color sorting, shape recognition (circle).
Writing: Learning about the lines on the paper and staying in them.  Introducing journals, sight word practice, beginning story structure  (ex. We can.........)

Hope you have a beautiful week!

Thursday, August 21, 2014


Thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of the classroom school supplies!  The kiddos & I greatly appreciate your generous donations.

Take Care! :)

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

2nd Week

Hello parents.  It was so great to see you all at Back to School Night.  We had perfect attendance...quite impressive!  Thank you so much for your time and effort.  It means a lot to your kiddo's education.  So sorry it was a bit loud during my presentation. We had a few kiddos that were excited being in the classroom library for the first time.  I guarantee you that it is much quieter during class time. :)

What we will be learning this week:
Theme: School rules, friendship, manners
Sight word: we
Reading Strategy: Make your finger match the words.  
Math: Number writing, One-to-one matching.
Writing: Learning about the lines on the paper and staying in them.  Introducing journals, & sight word practice.

Hope you have a beautiful week!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

1st Two Days of School

YIPPEE....we made it through our first two days of school!  It was so great to meet my new friends and families.  Our theme for the first two days were classroom rules and procedures.  We will continue to review rules and procedures for the next couple of weeks.  Please remember to check the class website as often as possible. It will contain lots of useful information such as class and school events, announcements, homework (not until September) and what we are learning for the week.

Please join us Monday, August 18 from 5:30 - 6:00 PM for our Back to School Night.  All TK teachers will be introduced briefly in the church sanctuary at 5:30 and then we will head back to our classroom to go over school and classroom procedures.  

Looking forward to seeing you Monday evening and 
a fun and successful school year!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Welcome to Transitional Kindergarten! I am Mrs. Payne and I am excited to be your child's TK teacher. Please visit our classroom website, checking it every week for homework, announcements, and classroom news. Feel free to look around and familiarize yourself with our website as well as the school's website.  Make sure to check out our Supply List and Class Wish List tabs for Back-to-School Supplies and remember - please do NOT bring backpacks to school.

Looking forward to meeting you!